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The most promising training in Lithuania:

security training

Funding for the unemployed
and busy

Teachings of the Lithuanian (level A1-A2)

Funded by foreign countries
for residents with a residence permit in Lithuania

Teaching Lithuanian (level B1)

Funding for foreign residents,
with a residence permit in Lithuania

Lithuanian language training ENG > LT

Funding for foreign residents,
with a residence permit in Lithuania

Student Feedback

Our students work:

Why choose

Improve.INFO Career Academy?

Career Centre

We'll help you prepare for your career - from building your CV to preparing for job interviews

Learning flexibility

You can always view the RECORDINGS of missed lectures or repeat material

Course repetition

We offer the opportunity to repeat the course for FREE after one year

Professional community

The opportunity to join motivated ALUMNI peers who strive for goals and inspire to grow together

Lecturer Mindaugas about
audiovisual production training

Our graphic and video design courses teach you how to use modern tools and techniques to create eye-catching designs and professional videos. From social media content to advertising campaigns, today's market increasingly values creative visual solutions. Join the course and make the most of today's audiovisual world to make your creative work competitive and inspiring!

What is No-Code? Says PAulius

No-Code is the fast track to digital solutions without complex code! In our courses, you will learn how to build websites, apps and even automate business processes using user-friendly tools and an intuitive environment. Join the No-Code training and gain skills that will open the door to the world of IT without long hours of coding!

Lecturer Modestas
about cyber security

Cyber security is not just about changing your passwords every month. Today, threats can affect any device, business or personal account. Learn how to identify, prevent and respond to cyber attacks - join our course and learn how to protect your data and prepare for the challenges of the digital world!

Tobulėk.INFO D.I. Head of Innovation Tomas Sakro on Artificial Intelligence
and video generation

Let's take a look at the AI video generators currently on the market. If you want to improve your skills, we invite you to join our courses and learn directly from the professionals - turn your creative ideas into reality!

Lecturer Modestas
about data science

Tobulėk.INFO lecturer Modestas talks about the importance, possibilities and practical benefits of data science. Find out what skills you need to successfully analyse data, what career prospects data science opens up and why it is one of the fastest growing fields in the world!

Audiovisual production training
with artificial intelligence + Midjourney & Adobe -
shared by Šarūnė

Discover Šarone's story - she started with simple attempts and now, after completing the Improve.INFO course, she is working professionally. Join the Audiovisual Production course and breathe new life into your work - become the next success story!

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